Albania-Malva Blog

Exploring the Hidden Gems of Albania: Top Activities and Destinations

Albania, a small yet diverse country in Southeastern Europe, offers a rich tapestry of experiences for every traveler. From its stunning beaches along the Adriatic and Ionian Seas to its rugged mountains and historical sites, Albania is a treasure trove waiting to be discovered. Here are some top activities and destinations to include in your Albanian adventure.

1. Discover Tirana's Vibrant Culture

Bunk'Art Museum

Start your journey in Tirana, the capital city, where history meets modernity. Visit the Bunk'Art Museum, a fascinating underground bunker transformed into a museum that chronicles Albania’s turbulent past.

Skanderbeg Square

Explore Skanderbeg Square, the heart of Tirana, surrounded by important landmarks such as the National History Museum, Et'hem Bey Mosque, and the iconic Clock Tower.

Blloku District

In the evening, head to the Blloku district, known for its lively nightlife, trendy cafes, and restaurants. Once a restricted area for the communist elite, it is now the epicenter of Tirana's social life.

2. Relax on the Albanian Riviera

Ksamil Islands

The Albanian Riviera boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in Europe. Ksamil, with its crystal-clear waters and white sandy beaches, is perfect for a relaxing getaway. The nearby islands are ideal for a day trip.

Himara and Dhermi

Visit the charming coastal towns of Himara and Dhermi, where you can enjoy pristine beaches, local seafood, and breathtaking sunsets. These towns offer a mix of relaxation and adventure, with opportunities for hiking and exploring ancient ruins.

3. Explore Ancient Ruins

Butrint National Park

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Butrint is an ancient city that dates back to the Greeks and Romans. Wander through its well-preserved ruins, including a theater, basilica, and castle, all set amidst lush greenery and tranquil lakes.


Located near Fier, Apollonia was once a major city in the Roman Empire. Explore its archaeological site, which features a stunning amphitheater, temples, and a museum displaying artifacts from the site.

4. Hike in the Albanian Alps

Theth National Park

For nature enthusiasts, the Albanian Alps, also known as the Accursed Mountains, offer some of the best hiking in the Balkans. Theth National Park is renowned for its dramatic landscapes, traditional stone houses, and the stunning Grunas Waterfall.

Valbona Valley

Another must-visit destination for hikers is Valbona Valley, known for its crystal-clear river, alpine meadows, and challenging trails. The hike from Valbona to Theth is a popular route, providing spectacular views of the rugged terrain.

5. Experience Local Traditions

Berat - The City of a Thousand Windows

Berat, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is famous for its well-preserved Ottoman architecture. Stroll through the narrow streets of the Mangalem and Gorica neighborhoods, visit the Berat Castle, and enjoy panoramic views of the city.

Gjirokastër - The Stone City

Gjirokastër, another UNESCO-listed city, is known for its stone houses and cobblestone streets. Explore the Gjirokastër Castle, which offers stunning views of the Drina Valley, and learn about the city's history at the Ethnographic Museum.

6. Taste the Flavors of Albania

Traditional Albanian Cuisine

Albanian cuisine is a delightful blend of Mediterranean and Balkan influences. Don't miss trying local dishes such as Tavë Kosi (baked lamb with yogurt), Byrek (savory pastry), and Fërgesë (pepper and tomato stew).

Wine Tasting

Albania has a growing reputation for its wine. Visit local wineries in regions like Berat and Shkodra to sample indigenous grape varieties and learn about the country's winemaking traditions.

7. Enjoy Water Sports and Adventure


Vlorë, where the Adriatic and Ionian Seas meet, is a hub for water sports. Try kayaking, snorkeling, or diving to explore the underwater world. The Llogara Pass near Vlorë offers paragliding opportunities with breathtaking views.

Lake Skadar

Shared with Montenegro, Lake Skadar is the largest lake in the Balkans. It's perfect for boating, bird watching, and exploring the quaint villages along its shores.


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